For the Weak little Girls and Boys...the Monkeys
I had to chuckle once again. There is always the ugly head of a retarded person coming from the foul stench of garbage.
The Monica and Kim comments and actions lately had me cracking up.
It is always funny when the monkeys decide to rattle their cage. The weak little boys that want to screw them and the rest of the female monkeys that want to stir up whatever that associate with them.
I sat back and watched them come out the woodwork with something to do and say. They probably still running around talking to Wendy.
Yet, I pity them. for in all their heroic stupidity they are simply mad. Mad that I gave them what they needed and wanted to tear up everything. nothing was pristine but when one is willing to work on things. You shouldn't try to shit on them.
So in all their hated and anomosity. They are mad because they couldn't destroy me.
So I will sit back and continue to hear, read and laugh at Monica, Kim and the rest of them. Along with the weak little boys from New York and New Jersey adn everywhere that need to RUN TELL DAT to them.
Its all good.
Hey little punk boys and women.
I already had them. I moved on.
Go enjoy them. they are good things to have for a time or two.
Whatever suits all of you