You Don't Know Love
I have heard enough from women to sink a battleship on how they are love, know love and men don't know love.
Funny thing is these bitches run the first time love comes in the door. Making up excuses about why and how it won't work. Just say the are scared.
I can and have loved more than one woman at once at a time. And I was told I didn't because you can't love more than one person at a time. Thats just bullshit because they can't grasp the concept of anything other than self.
This world has become infested with alot of selfish damn women.
But the blame continues to be hurled at the black man. All this stuff about finance, insensitivity and no hope. Well that is because you can't have hope when women are trying to hold you down and murder you in anyway possible.
They let some sorry ass boy destroy their life and take that bitterness out on everyone possible. Making sure to shit on everyone they come in contact with in the process.
They are mad, but they are mad at the wrong person. The person they should be mad at is themselves.
Mad because every man they date gets married after they break up with her.
Angry because a man leaves you for lack of attention while you constantly talk to and with your sorry girlfriends.
Pissed that the man you are with won't cow tow to you and do all the things you want them to as a drone. So you nag and attack him.
Women have taken themselves and attempted to exert authority over everything. Its time for men to stop letting this happen. Get a back bone and stand up for yourselves. These women do it because they think they can and want to play these stupid games constantly.
It is time to show them reality. That pussy does not rule the world or hold meaning like they think it do.
Its time for the revolution to continue.
Black men stand up and do your thing.