Sunday, September 21, 2014

Crushed Egg Shells

I have never been one to really tip toe through things. Well even when I tried it I didn't do it well at all. But I know that politically correct and not hurting people's ideals and feelings are key in society.

For me I just find myself speaking and communicating simply what I think and feel. Is that wrong? Of course not. But it does make for damaged episodes.

Analyzing things I really don't understand the why is it an issue all the time.

But I do retain a solution.

Let the Death Star occupation begin!

Friday, September 19, 2014

There is Me and then there is Me

In my years of evolution into man. I stand upon my own principled existence. Meaning I don't allow others to define, speak for or impede upon me in any fashion.

You always have the individuals that need to break you and change you into what they think you should be, think and feel. I readily laugh in their faces. My references should tell and show them the folly of trying that with me. As Munchkin says "He is just Big Evil you dumb ass monkey".

That doesn't mean that we can't have a discussion about things. You can speak your mind all you choose. Just don't assume that you have changed my mind or views. I don't operate on you being a deciding factor in anything at all.

Call me a double standard or a chauvinist. I will laugh and say yes! Either way I am just going to continue being me and only me.

I will leave that wishy washy, drone mentality for everyone else to do.

After all I do need my entertainment.