Saturday, May 27, 2006

Fear of the ABM

It is always amazing how much we talk about the progression of our society yet many things remain the same. We have technology and medicines. But when it comes to the outlook, response and treat of the black man we seem to be still fighting everyone and anything.

Our view:
We are the individuals seen as violent, crime ridden and malicious. We are the ones they attempt to portray on television constantly on America's most wanted and Cops shows. The ones that the media continues to stereotype as the consumate enemy.

I walk in for an interview and get the Shock and Awe expression. They have no clue that a black man can be professional and speak in a proper manner most of the time at many companies. They don't know what to do but to gawk at the big black man before them dressed in his power suit. Hell even if we came in looking like everyone else with excellent experience and knowledge there would still be fear of the educated black man.

Our Own:
Now, this is the most baffling damn thing about this. Our fellow black women and other non responsive black men have decided to add to the problems. By verbally attacking and supporting the negatives of what is said and viewed of us. You know you have seen the fool with the white folk laughing about some inappropriate joke concerning black men. Or the women hollering out how black men are no good and worth nothing at all everywhere in public and in every media opportunity they get. So stick up for the brothas. Instead of listening to that garbage that is being spewed. Dispute it and stand your ground and let it be known that there are alot of good men out there and that type of slander is inappropriate at all.

So as we continue to deal with clutched purses, smart remarks and comments. We will perservere. Continue on our journey of progress, respect and uplifting.

Proud to be a Black Man.

Friday, May 19, 2006

A Bitch Ass DJ Star...Punk Ass Bitch!!!

Ok I am a proponent of freedom of speech and expression but this is just pure ignorance and stupidity. This fool gets on national radio to attack another man's child and wife verbally on air and think that is entertainment. How do you call yourself a man when you talk about having sex with someone's little child? That is some sick and disgusting shit no matter what you want to call it or how you want to view it.

If I had been DJ Envy I would have made it a brutal reality for this muthafucka. Let me come beat the shit out of him and piss down his damn throat and kill his mama then. I guess he will see the entertainment in that.

What the hell has happened to people these days? He is being compared to Howard Stern. But did Howard Stern ever stoop this low in his attempt at ratings? Maybe I missed hearing about that one.

How much do we let someone go before we realize it is already out of hand?

Radio Show Host Says He's No Shock Jock

Published: May 13, 2006
Over the years, Troi Torain, an infamous disc jockey known to his fans and foes as Star, has eviscerated celebrities like Jennifer Lopez and Eminem and mocked the death of the R&B singer Aaliyah. He has called fans of hip-hop music savages and has regularly used racial epithets.

But in an interview yesterday, just before he was arrested on charges of harassment and endangering the welfare of a child, Mr. Torain, 42, said that he was no shock jock. "There is a philosophy behind what I do," he said. "I have an ideology."

He called his philosophy "objective hate," but refused to expound. "Visit," he said. "When you start scrolling through those posts, then you'll understand my philosophy."

In one of several messages posted on the Web site, Mr. Torain, who has described himself as a die-hard fan of the author Ayn Rand, wrote, "Soon, I will indeed explain how the cheap emotion of hate, a common subliminal thread in all men including myself, can only be fully understood by way of Objectivism."

Mr. Torain is regularly compared to Howard Stern, himself no stranger to controversy. "He basically ripped off Stern and threw his own urban twist into the equation," said Erik Parker, the music editor at Vibe, a hip-hop magazine. "Both of them make a living pushing taboo topics to the limit and both of them have no problem offending people."
In the interview yesterday, Mr. Torain rejected the comparison to Mr. Stern. "I'm not some black version of that coward Howard Stern," he said. "I'm right there on the verge of being the new Lenny Bruce."

Mr. Torain refused to discuss the details of his current situation. He was fired on Wednesday, a week after his rant against a rival radio host. "I have no desire to sit and do an interview, to spill my guts because somebody is going to give me a little shine in a newspaper or television," he said with a sardonic chuckle. "I don't need a pat on the head from mainstream America."

Before this week, Mr. Torain's over-the-top schtick had, at worst, earned him enemies, suspensions and terminations. During his three years at WQHT-FM, known as Hot 97, as one of the hosts of the "Star and Buc Wild Morning Show," he was suspended more than a dozen times. After clashing with station management in 2003, he was fired.

He took his act to WUSL-FM, known as Power 99, in Philadelphia, where he continued to rebel and delight listeners. In 2004, Power 99 suspended him after he threatened to choke a call-center worker in India, and called her a "rat eater" during a segment on the air. The following year, he returned to New York on WWPR-FM, known as Power 105, (Hot 97's rival) and received a reported four-year $17 million deal.

His show — a mix of tongue-in-cheek commentary, profanity-laced diatribes and in-studio interviews with the likes of Wynton Marsalis and Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers — was a hit, one that raised Power 105's morning ratings.

"We brought in Star to help make Power the market leader," Tom Poleman, vice president of Clear Channel Communications was quoted as saying in an interview with The Daily News this month. Clear Channel is Power 105's parent. "He's done that. We're delighted."

In an industry in which street credibility is prized, Mr. Torain, born and raised in Scotch Plains, N.J., has always been pleased to be a product of the suburbs. "I'm proud to say that I'm not from the slums, that I know nothing about five people sleeping in one bed growing up," he said in a 2003 interview. "I'm proud that my parents were hard-working, that my brother and I had separate bedrooms, that we had a backyard with a swimming pool."

Before working in radio, Mr. Torain was the host of an MTV show and had a column in The Source magazine. When asked yesterday if he regretted the comments that have caused such a firestorm, he refused to answer. "The direction and the pulse of the country has changed, and that's all I'm going to say."

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Support By Our Women

In this day and age as Black men we have both been supported and denied by our own women. Understanding that we have not been the best of the best at all times. But we grow and move on continuing to live life abundantly.

We apologize for what we have done. Give in to the mistakes we have made. But that still doesn't give any woman the right and the authority to just brow beat, reiterate and harass the black man because of his past. If all you see is the past then you need to stay there. Don't stick with trying to torture the man because of the mood and situation that you are. Payback can be a dangerous game to play.

We love our black women. We cherish you and care about you. But then again you have been our backbone. Our strong seat of power rests with you as well. We wanted to both work out our lifes plans and goals with our woman at our side.

But damn many don't help the cause. Many times it is on us the men, for our own faults. For the wrongs and pain that we have inflicted to our own. Understanding that women you can't make us pay for every man's mistakes. Or suffer for what we did in the past and learned from. Stop the nagging, reiterating all the time, it only compounds the problem. Men, be a man and admit the mistakes and solve them.

We have to support and nurture our women. Even when they are hating, evil Oprah type chicks. Because we are their foundation and support even when they want to be in their million dollar suits and the head of their career. They still seek a man that is there with them to be a man to them. Strong and there for them. They can be a handfull and demanding even without a pause. But we love them for the strong black women that they are.

So here we are both in the street. We need to share, compare and get things all together because everyone is against us and all we have is ourselves to defend us.


Two Faced Individuals

I sat through a conversation today and it basically went like this.

Me: Ok well I was told how they couldnt' stand you because of your attitude and stuff.
Other: well it is because of what you have said about me that they think that has become the issue on and offline.
Me: So they have decided to just run with whatever they think?
Other: they figuring out from your writing and talking about how evil I am.
Me: Funny because the truth is already known. And I don't explain to those that don't matter.

So this leads me to say some stuff. Now I have been angry at a time and said stuff out of anger and posted it online and off. But to have individuals sit around and tell this person that the posts that I wrote were about them is just crazy.

It leads me to solidify the fact that there are some hating ass bitches out there. Ready to do whatever crazy ass shit to say and do to cause issues. I don't give a gottdamn about muthafuckas. What I say, do and think I back up. If there is a damn issue then come on out and ask muthafucka.

Funny how people want to keep shit started but it is based on the things that they have no truth about. Then those that believe it all without coming to the source is incredible.

So to those two faced individuals.

Go Directly To Hell!
So what are your thoughts and feelings on these backstabbing tricks?
What would you do to those that disrespect you and shit?

Entrance of the Angry Black Man

Here I come ABM, (Angry Black Man).

Thats right here to say what needs to be said out there and get plenty of discussion going.

So sit back or sit up in your seat. Prepare for the mind altering heart beating conversation and mental edifications here.

My views are my own and if you can't handle seeing someone else's view or point then you need to keep steppin