Fear of the ABM
It is always amazing how much we talk about the progression of our society yet many things remain the same. We have technology and medicines. But when it comes to the outlook, response and treat of the black man we seem to be still fighting everyone and anything.
Our view:
We are the individuals seen as violent, crime ridden and malicious. We are the ones they attempt to portray on television constantly on America's most wanted and Cops shows. The ones that the media continues to stereotype as the consumate enemy.
I walk in for an interview and get the Shock and Awe expression. They have no clue that a black man can be professional and speak in a proper manner most of the time at many companies. They don't know what to do but to gawk at the big black man before them dressed in his power suit. Hell even if we came in looking like everyone else with excellent experience and knowledge there would still be fear of the educated black man.
Our Own:
Now, this is the most baffling damn thing about this. Our fellow black women and other non responsive black men have decided to add to the problems. By verbally attacking and supporting the negatives of what is said and viewed of us. You know you have seen the fool with the white folk laughing about some inappropriate joke concerning black men. Or the women hollering out how black men are no good and worth nothing at all everywhere in public and in every media opportunity they get. So stick up for the brothas. Instead of listening to that garbage that is being spewed. Dispute it and stand your ground and let it be known that there are alot of good men out there and that type of slander is inappropriate at all.
So as we continue to deal with clutched purses, smart remarks and comments. We will perservere. Continue on our journey of progress, respect and uplifting.
Proud to be a Black Man.
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